
Would you like one on one Coaching?

If you are a widow and want to discover courage, determination, hope and purpose after loss (or divorce), then I’d like to offer my support.

I offer life and finance coaching for widows (and divorcees) and here’s how it works;

Ever wish you had a life coach who was also a widow to connect with? … You can learn the life coaching tools I have used in helping other widows,  and begin living an extraordinary life journey from a certified grief, finance, and life coach 

As your coach, I will support, acknowledge, champion, and challenge you towards your personal fulfillment.

Coaching works best face to face so I usually work around my local area of Orange County, however, Skype, phone or FaceTime works just as well.

If you desire coaching services, please email me at

MABC, ACBC, IABC certified

Email me today to begin a conversation.



Live workshop to learn tools and skills.



Become educated, inspired and empowered.

One on One


Discover courage, determination, hope and purpose after loss.

Mobile Gift Wrapping

Business Coaching

Grow a successful mobile gift wrapping business to make an extra $500!