Skills Workshop for the widow or divorcee.

Struggling to reinvent your life?

What are my next steps?

Do you feel overwhelmed and afraid?

How will you manage? 

This workshop is designed to work with widows as well as divorcees to provide them with the tools and skills that will empower them to move forward and live confidently. It Introduces them to expectations and resources for financial empowerment, emotional literacy and practical steps after loss or even during hospice. 

My goal is to help widows achieve wisdom, one at a time, thus alleviating suffering later once they regain their footing. 

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  1. Statistics that are surprising. 
  2. How grief can sabotage us as widow’s in our thinking and decision making.
  3. The Four Transitions of Widowhood. 
  4. Three stages of widowhood and implications for your money and emotions. 
  5. Steps new widows and divorcees can take.
  6. Handling and managing expectations of others such as children, clergy, family and non-profits. 
  7. Planning for your future. 
  8. What you can do before widowhood.
  9. How to have greater empathy of widowed and divorced friends.
  10. Research about widows, divorcees and money. 

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are close to 13 million widows and 800,000 divorces happen every year. It’s never our goal to experience widowhood or the loss of a marriage yet 70% of all married women will experience widowhood, and 80% of women will die single. 

It’s reported that approximately 70% of widows become impoverished after their spouse dies. That is because so many have to deal with decisions they are not prepared to make and expectations of so many around them including family, friends, clergy, etc. Their grief combined with their widow’s journey makes emotional and financial decisions difficult. 

So many of us make decisions that can alter our future, I am here to help give courage, educate, inspire and empower widows emotionally and financially so the can move forward confidently and purposefully. We also tend to self sabotage financially especially if we have inherited finance because of the loss of someone we love. 



Live workshop to learn tools and skills.



Become educated, inspired and empowered.

One on One


Discover courage, determination, hope and purpose after loss.

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